Stilleven met rode Theebus III, 2016

Oil and acrylic on canvas, 120 x 100 cm

Lieuwe Kingma (1957, NL) studied art at the “Academy Minerva” in Groningen and at that early period Kingma found enchantment by the light, atmosphere, purple lavender fields, and earth-coloured houses in the landscape of Southern Europe. Weather-beaten walls, discoloured doors and shadow-filled town squares lined with trees provide fuel to Kingma’s senses. In recent work, Kingma shows again the inspiration of his roots – the northern Dutch landscape with its low horizon and high skies. Landscapes and still-life’s are not the only points of departure for Kingma’s work.

To observe Lieuwe Kingma painting is pure enjoyment as it is a spectacle, because the artist paints with both hands simultaneously. Modest is he in his choice of everyday matter for the compositions’ serenity while his paintings often combine observation with memory.

Through the color fields created by underlying layers of paint arise both structure and texture to his canvas. The viewer is tempted to embrace his painting adventure, enjoying mood, harmony and color. These methods offer a sparkling tension to his work. He evokes on the canvas this tension through the dialogue between abstraction and imagination. While Kingma is left-handed, he prefers to use his right hand with the pallet knife for large, sweeping movements. This ambidextrous approach brings a unique dynamic character to his work.

Lieuwe Kingma (1957, NL) studeerde kunst aan de Academie Minerva in Groningen en in die beginperiode werd Kingma betoverd door het licht, de sfeer, de paarse lavendelvelden en de aardekleurige huizen in het landschap van Zuid-Europa. Verweerde muren, verkleurde deuren en schaduwrijke stadspleinen omzoomd met bomen zorgen voor brandstof voor Kingma’s zintuigen. In recent werk toont Kingma opnieuw de inspiratie van zijn roots: het Noord-Hollandse landschap met zijn lage horizon en hoge luchten. Landschappen en stillevens zijn niet de enige uitgangspunten voor Kingma’s werk.

